Our amazing vegan face, scrub and cleanser, mocha, mint latte! You will love how this product smells like a fresh brewed cup of coffee with mocha and a touch of mint. This vegan cleanser scrub is an all in one product.
Directions: you can use this in the morning or evening! All you have to do is take some of the product, scoop it out, you can use as much or as little as you like the consistency is like a chocolate paste, add a touch of water and warm the product up in your hands. Apply the cleanser scrub to your skin massage in circular motions add a little bit more water, you will feel the exfoliation and all of the butters and oils working together. The sugar will be gentle on your skin. Then you can rinse your face with warm water and pat dry with a towel or what I love to do is rinse my face and then apply a warm cloth over my face to hold in all of the oils , it creates a sauna for your face !!!
It’s heaven!!! your skin will feel like baby skin. All of the dead skin will be exfoliated off, and then the moisturizing ingredients hydrate and rejuvenate your skin, giving you an instant glow, tight, pores, and beautiful, refreshed complexion.
☕️vegan, pure ingredients, cruelty, free, never any animal testing on any of the ingredients only tested on family and friends, no chemicals or parabens. Essential oils are used to create this delicious scent and if you are a coffee lover, it truly smells like a fresh mocha latte coffee!!!
IMPORTANT with any natural products, I always suggest using your product within six months I make new fresh batches all of the time products never sit on my shelf💗💗💗☕️
INGREDIENTS: COFFEE BUTTER INFUSED WITH ESPRESSO , COFFEE OIL, vitamin E RAW, kaolin clay, beige clay, brown sugar, essential oils☕️